
Jennifer Kacey on Writing Craft and Giveaways!

Author Jennifer Kacey shares about Writing Craft. She comes with Giveaways!

Jennifer Kacey is a wife, mother, and business owner living with her family in the great state of Texas. She writes contemporary, adores menage, but regardless of the number of partners each tale she weaves will come with a full side order of kink. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Find Her Here


I love writing craft! Especially when there’s glitter and feathers!

Ha! Sorry. Writing craft…couldn’t help myself!

*Serious face* One of the questions I’m asked a lot is, “Did you always want to be a writer?”

Heck no.

I wanted to be a doctor, then in college I decided I didn’t want to be a doctor and started helping my then fiancé in his manufacturing company. I promptly took over. (Love you, honey!) And the rest they say is history.

Until I had a dream. A sexy dream. An UBER sexy dream that continued for three nights straight. And not the same dream three nights in a row. Oh no. One part on night one. Part two on night two. Part three on night three. And then on night four….nothing.


Seriously, people, it ended with this woman racing down a hospital corridor. Sobbing. And the man she loved was chasing after her, calling her name, shouting for her that he was sorry.


I seriously had to know what happened. So I wrote down the dreams, then kept going. Three months later I knew EXACTLY what happened and my first book, Final Promise, was born. I still get chills thinking about it.

Once I let the characters out in my head, holy crap they will not shut up. Currently I’m writing 3 stories. That happens a lot. Oh and I still work full time.

I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

As for craft, and as I’m sure you can tell from the above post I’m not formally trained. Didn’t go to classes or have a degree in English Engineering. *grins*

But I’m a fast learner and I hate making mistakes. I have some of the best editors in the whole world. My first published book, Together in Cyn, first round of edits looked like a box of crayons bled all over my MS. It was horrifying. Mostly because I didn’t have a clue about passive and active voice. Got a REAL quick education in head hopping, and sentence structure and pacing, and OMG! My head is still spinning.

I’ve learned so much I could write a book…*snicker*

And something I do to keep current is I read. Reading helps me write. It’s inspirational (whether the book I’m reading is good or bad) and makes me want to be a better writer.

So, there you have it!

Writing craft a la Jennifer Kacey…with glitter…and feathers!!!


The blurb of Jennifer Kacey's BENEATH THE PAGES

One wicked night with her did nothing but whet his appetite. Now he’ll settle for nothing less than her complete submission.

Acacia owns and runs Fame, one of the hottest celebrity magazines in the country. She survives on convincing the rich and famous to reveal things they would normally do anything to keep hidden. She lives, eats and breathes the magazine. Day in and day out. She has no life, nothing to keep in the dark. Nothing but the night she gave herself over to the one man she never should have wanted.
Radigan, the most sought after actor in Hollywood, wants her again, and won’t take no for an answer. He had her for one night. Several hours of the best sex of his entire life, but she was gone the next morning before the sun had fully risen. His attempts to contact her have gone unanswered. Everything he’s tried so far has been a miserable failure. But he finally knows what to do to slip beneath the pages of her heart.
This time he’s playing for keeps and the exclusive rights to her body, heart and soul.
It's part of multi-book boxed set,
Brought To His Knees
The Alpha male. Strong. In control. Letting no one and nothing rule him…until he meets the one, and all bets are off. The world tilts, the bed rocks, and suddenly that tough guy finds himself Brought to His Knees—in more ways than one.

This collection of ten hot to erotic novellas and one short erotic novel will take you on journeys of lust, love, and adventure, leave you breathless and quite possibly in need of a cold shower.


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  1. Sleeping is for wusses :) Or so I tell myself. Great post--gave me a good laugh, and I love your dream story!

    1. It is totally for wusses!! Thanks! So glad you enjoyed it!

  2. The first thing I noticed was Jennifer's photo and her eyes. They are gorgeous!

    I've always wanted to be a writer, but part of that is because my mom was a writer and writing throughout my childhood. And you know, a lot of my story ideas come from dreams, too. Those are the best! :)

    1. Love that photo for the eyes alone! Best photography and makeup and hair people known to man. Kid you not. They are awesome!!

  3. Love the dream story! My dreams are far too scary to write about - don't want to live in those worlds at all! Definitely approve of the glitter and feathers on your craft! :)

    1. Glitter and feathers rock! And maybe you should write them down! You could be the next Stephen King!

  4. It's nice to meet you, Jennifer! Appreciate the introduction, Nas. Wishing you all the best with your writing endeavors!

  5. I’ve learned so much I could write a book…*snicker*

    What a lovely sense of humour. I'll sleep when I'm dead, too. LIfe is too short to read all the great books out there, and to write a few too.

    Can't wait to read through this big tome.


    1. Hi, Denise!!! I had another author, whom I ADORE tell me I was "the most optimistic realist" she'd ever met. What an amazing compliment!!
      Life it too short to take ourselves too seriously, so I try hard not to!
      Hope you love it when you get to it! Well worth it!!!

  6. Whine! Why can't I have sexy serial dreams at night? Or just ONE sexy dream?

    Brought to His Knees sounds way too hot. And kinda kinky. Which means I want to read it and then have lots of my own sexy fantasies.

    1. I have sexy dreams ALL THE TIME!!!! It's awesome. I'm so glad I don't have nightmares like some people I know. That would made the small amount of sleep I do get awful!

      #BTHK is amazing!! Some great ladies all banded together to fulfill a few awesome fantasies for all our fabulous readers!

  7. Jennifer is so obviously born to be a writer. I love how inspired she is.

  8. That's awesome your first story came from dreams. Editors really do make us better writers, but I find reading key as well in learning the writing craft. Congrats, Jennifer!

    1. Thanks, Cherie! Love your name!!!
      A friend of mine, another author, told me that reading fills up her literary well of ideas and inspiration. Love that!

  9. LOL - I'll sleep when I'm dead. I feel the same way.

    All of my fiction stories started as a dream that I just continued to write down.

    1. Exactly!!! And it's neat to go back and read them because you do where they came from!

  10. Ha, I love the way your first novel came about. Gotta love those dreams.

    1. They're so much fun! Last night was Dr appointments on Christmas morning and NOBODY would listen to me that they'd NEVER schedule them like that. Funky!

  11. Keep those dreams coming! That seems like the perfect way to come up with a book. Great to read about you and your stories.

  12. How cool that your books came to you in dreams!

    I have the same thought - I'll sleep when I'm dead!

    1. Way too much awesome stuff to do while I'm alive. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Some of my better ideas have originated in dreams too. And I never wanted to be a writer either -- beach bum or UPS driver (so I could be Santa Claus all year long). I used to hate writing when I was a kid. My students can't believe it, but 'tis true. Now the tough part: guiding them toward an appreciation for the writing process.

  15. Dreams and characters grab me all the time and won't let go. I love sleeping, but sometimes I'm deprived when I have a goal.

  16. How cool that the story ideas came to Jennifer while sleeping and then she wrote down what had happened and she ended up writing a book! What a super fun interview. Wishing Jennifer the best of luck!


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